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Madhubanti Sadhya, CEERA, NLSIU Nausheen Khan, LL.B. 2nd Yr., Campus Law Centre,University of Delhi Baghjan is a village located in Tinsukia District of Assam, in the midst of large reserves of natural gas found in the Brahmaputra Basin. It is the site of one of an oil field set up by Oil India Limited (OIL)
Introduction Sustainable development is a concept which aims to ensure the sustainable use of resources to satisfy the necessities of the current generation without jeopardizing the capability of the future generations to address their needs. To attain a sustainable future, a set of 17 goals named as Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) were identified in 2015
Prof. (Dr.) Sairam Bhat, Professor of Law & Coordinator of CEERA, Ms. Madhubanti Sadhya, Teaching Associate, CEERA-NLSIU A number of legislations in the country have made provisions for the establishment of funds to be used either for the protection, preservation or regeneration of the environment or to compensate victims who have suffered as a result of environmental crimes.
COASTAL REGULATION ZONE: A JOURNEY FROM 1991 TILL 2019 – RAGHAV PARTHASARATHY & VIKAS GAHLOT Teaching Associates, CEERA-NLSIU Environment (Protection) Act, 1986, (‘EPA’ hereafter), was enacted pursuant to the decision that was taken at the United Nations Conference on Human Environment which was held at the Stockholm in June, 1972. An urgent need to enact
TWO-DAY WEBINAR ON MIGRANT WORKERS AND URBAN GOVERNANCE: RESPONSIBILITIES OF URBAN LOCAL BODIES AND HUMAN RIGHTS Recent spread of a deadly pandemic like COVID-19 has exposed the foundational lacunas in the system which led to mass exodus of the migrant workers rushing back to their hometowns. Desperate to leave the urban areas and to reach
LG POLYMER GAS LEAK – AN INQUIRY INTO THE APPLICATION OF DOMESTIC & INTERNATIONAL LEGAL OBLIGATIONS REVOLVING CHEMICAL ACCIDENTS Prof. (Dr.) Sairam Bhat, Professor of Law & Coordinator of CEERA Ms. Madhubanti Sadhya, Mr. Rohith Kamath and Ms. Geethanjali KV., Teaching Associates, CEERA, In the wee hours of the morning of 7th May, 2020 leakage of toxic styrene
Sharon Mathew, Associate Litigator Legal Initiative for Forests and Environment (LIFE) The 3,860km arc like land mass lying to the immediate south of the Sahara desert and stretching east-west across the breadth of the African continent, popularly known as the ‘Sahel’ region of Africa, has become our window into the future of how and to