Centre for Environmental Law WW Fund for Nature v. State of Orissa
[Air 1999 Ori. 14]
(A. Pasayat and P.C. Naik JJ.,)
The petitioners filed the petition seeking the court for stoppage of project to construct a f`113ifth landing Centre at Takhua as flora and fauna are directly going to be affected in and around the Bhitur Kanika Wildlife Sanctuary.
The court ordered for the constitution of the committee according to the letter written by the Ministry of Environment and Forests to the …………… of the State and other authorities. The Environment Impact Assessment Committee submitted its report to the court.
The state government requested the court that it would continue the project without affecting eco-systems of Bhirakani Sanctuary and also said that no violation has taken place.
The court after referring into committees report and the partees observed that there cannot be golden scale evaluation of the problems and laid down the directions:
All possible attempts for the influx of migratory human population of the surrounding year.
- All possible attempts for the influx of migratory human population of the surrounding year.
- Restrictions to the State Government and Construction of Bridges